A Wayne City High School senior, Clark Anderson is a member of the boys basketball team and a ... Learn More

Clark Anderson
About Me
A Wayne City High School senior, Clark Anderson is a member of the boys basketball team and a four-year member of FFA, having earned his state degree last year. In his personal time, he raises longhorn cows on ground that has belonged to his family for five generations. In addition to raising cows, he and his family put up their own hay, both of which have added to his participation in FFA. He has already earned one scholarship with plans to earn his American degree in FFA. After graduation, he plans to attend Rend Lake College to study criminal justice. Clark has had business experience for ten years in conjunction with his family's businesses, branching out on his own individual business,Rock Bluff Cattle Company, offering and transporting to the slaughterhouse a quality and lean beef cow based on the customer's choice.
About My Business
Clark has had business experience for ten years in conjunction with his family's businesses, branching out on his own individual business, Rock Bluff Cattle Company , offering and transporting to the slaughterhouse a quality and lean beef cow based on the customer's choice. You can view Clark's trade show presentation by going to www.youtube.com and searching for Wayne County CEO trade show. Please subscribe!

Clark Anderson's DISC Profile
• Is usually very supportive of decisions made by others on the team. • Prefers a culture that allows ample time for analysis of new ideas before implementation takes place. • Under high pressure, he may become somewhat indecisive or resistant to making a very quick decision. • Sometimes he demands too much of himself. • Likes to think things through before acting.
• Can be an effective coach or counselor for others. • Likes a flexible environment that allows for creativity. • Appreciates an open-door policy with both peers and supervisors. • Presents himself in a poised manner to both small or large groups of people. • Tends to be generous with his time in helping others.
• Is an excellent team player. • Desires a high level of structure and order. • Can be quite resistant to change. • Is always seen as cool, calm, and collected on the outside (whether that is true on the inside or not). • Is very loyal when it comes to existing operating procedures.
• May be perceived as being non-committal by some when it comes to deciding on how to proceed. • Is fine with change when it is clear how it will improve efficiency. • Is practical and realistic. • To him, rules are guidelines, not concrete. •Prefers to act as his "own person" rather than follow the norm.