An FCHS senior, Bryce has enjoyed great success in his academic and athletic high school ... Learn More

Bryce Garner
About Me
An FCHS senior, Bryce has enjoyed great success in his academic and athletic high school career, but he wanted to learn more applicable life skills. Through the CEO program, Bryce has been able to experience and apply such skills that go beyond those that are already included in the standard educational curricula. He appreciates the experiences that have taught him what would otherwise take years to achieve. Elected by his peers to be the vice-student facilitator for the class business, he has delivered responsible protocol in class procedures and follow-through.For his individual business, Bryce formed a partnership from his previous sole proprietorship of PG Lawn and Landscape with the mission to provide mowing and landscaping service first and foremost to patrons who cannot mow their own yards or do their own landscaping due to extenuating circumstances. You can viewBryce's trade show presentation by going to and searching for Wayne County CEO trade show. Please subscribe!
About My Business
For his individual business, Bryce formed a partnership from his previous sole proprietorship of PG Lawn and Landscape with the mission to provide mowing and landscaping service first and foremost to patrons who cannot mow their own yards or do their own landscaping due to extenuating circumstances.

Bryce Garner's DISC Profile
• Likes to think things through before acting. • Demands a lot of himself. • Can be very modest in dealing with others. • Is open to deferring to others for decisions when they have voiced a stronger opinion.
• Enjoys helping others as coach, counselor, or teacher. • Really likes meeting new people and easily interacts. No one is a stranger. • Enjoys opportunities to motivate others.
• If insufficient structure and order exist, he will create it. • Believes rules exist for a reason. • Can accept change but requires a good argument for it first.
• Opinions tend to be quite firm when it comes to breaking with convention to answer the needs of the situation. • Wants little, if any, "routine" work. • "The 'right way' to do things is the way I'm doing them right now." • Prefers to be encouraged to create and try new ideas and procedures. • Probably perceived by others as a bit of a rule-bender.